July 4th Service

On Friday, July 3, Lextran will operate regular weekday service. The Loudon Administrative Office will be closed. Saturday, July 4, Lextran will operate an extended Sunday schedule in observation of Independence Day. You can find the individual details for each route below. The following routes which normally operate on Saturday will not operate on July …

Free Shuttle to Primary Election Polls

Lextran will offer a free shuttle from the Downtown Transit Center to Fayette County’s sole polling location, Kroger Field, for the Primary Election on June 23. The first shuttle will depart Bay 6 of the Downtown Transit Center at 6:00 a.m. It will depart thereafter every 15-20 minutes. The last shuttle will depart Kroger Field …

Interactive Voice Response System (IVR) To Be Discontinued

The IVR (Interactive Voice Response system, 244-2020) will no longer be active as of Monday, June 29th. The number will be redirected to Customer Service during business hours and will play an automated message outside of those hours. To obtain schedule information customers can use our app (MyStop Mobile), Text for Next (LX+stop number to 321-123), …

Euclid Ave Detour – Return to Regular Service Sept 10

**On Thursday, Sept. 10, all routes will return to regular service using Euclid Ave.** Beginning Thursday, June 4 until further notice. Route 1 – Woodhill and Route 3 – Tates Creek will be detouring. Euclid Ave will not be served from High St to the Transit Center. Routes will use Maxwell for outbound trips and …

South Upper at Winslow Closure

The sanitary sewer replacement project underway by the Lexington-Fayette Urban County Government will cause the closure of South Upper at Winslow St. This closure will last from Friday, March 13 at 7:00pm to Monday, March 16th at 6:00am. During that the following detours will be in place. Route 5 – Nicholasville Road Outbound will turn …

City Sewer Project to Affect Bus Service on Avenue of Champions

The sanitary sewer replacement project underway by the Lexington-Fayette Urban County Government is advancing further into the University of Kentucky campus area. Starting Monday, March 9, a portion of Avenue of Champions will be reduced to one lane. This will impact service for Route 14 – UK Blue and Route 27 – UK Yellow. Route …

Lexington Public Library Earns 5 Star Rating

Our friends and community partners at the Lexington Public Library have earned a 5 star rating from The Library Journal. This prestigious ranking is measured by how many people visit the library, how many items are checked out, how many people attend their vast programming, and more. Lextran is proud to partner with the Lexington …

Martin Luther King Jr Day Service | January 20

On Monday, January 20, the annual Freedom March will take place in downtown Lexington to honor Martin Luther King Jr. From 9:15 am until the conclusion of the march no buses will be loading or unloading on the Vine Street side of the Transit Center and the detours below will be active. During this time …


Lextran Bus Operators

for Bus Operators, Diesel Mechanics, and More

Every Tuesday
10:00 AM to Noon
200 W Loudon Ave., Lexington, KY

No appointment needed!