We move people to feel at home.

Mobility and transportation can be a barrier for some people to establish themselves anywhere, but especially when you’ve moved to a new city. A city with different grocery stores, a thriving downtown, parks scattered about, excellent public libraries, and other places and things that will become a part of your new life. You have to …

We move people to invest in their dreams.

‘The first time I used the bus was when my car broke down.’ There are many people who are introduced to our service in this way. We hear that if they are ever in a similar position again they will definitely get back on board. However, not many of those people sell their car after …


Lextran Bus Operators

for Bus Operators, Diesel Mechanics, and More

Every Tuesday
10:00 AM to Noon
200 W Loudon Ave., Lexington, KY

No appointment needed!