Holiday Service Information

Christmas Eve, December 24 Regular Weekday Schedule (NO SERVICE ON ROUTE 14 or ROUTE 15) Loudon Administrative Office Closed Customer Service open 8:00 am – 4:00 pm Christmas Day, December 25 Reduced Sunday Schedule (10am at end of the line – 7pm, first departure from Transit Center is at 11am) Loudon Administrative Office Closed  Customer Service …

Winter Weather Information

As winter bears down upon Lexington, now is the time to get ready for winter weather conditions. Following these tips can help you to be ready when the cold, snow, and ice come our way. Familiarize Yourself with the Snow Plan – You can find information about each route’s snow plan by visiting that individual route …

North Limestone Stop Changes

North Limestone Stop ChangesEffective Friday, November 1, 2019 Route 7 – N. Limestone inbound stops, N. Limestone @ N. Broadway Park and N. Limestone @ Twelfth St will both be permanently closed on Friday, November 1, 2019. A new stop will be placed between these two at the crosswalk at Arceme Ave called N. Limestone …

Free Rides on Election Day 11.05.19

All Lextran routes will be free of charge on Tuesday, Nov. 5 to increase access to polling locations on Election Day. The Center for Information and Research on Civic Learning and Engagement estimated that nearly 15 million people between the ages of 18 and 29 didn’t vote in the 2016 Election because of a lack of transportation …

Electric Scooters In Lexington

Electric scooters are finally in Lexington. These motorized scooters are an excellent way to provide even more mobility solutions to the Lexington community. Although they are a great way to connect riders to their bus stop or to the Transit Center, Lextran does not have any affilitiation with these companies. These scooters are not allowed onboard …

Keeneland to Kroger Field Shuttle – 10.26.19

On October 26th Lextran will operate a shuttle between Keeneland and Kroger Field. We recommend those without designated parking on campus or near Kroger Field who want to go to Keeneland follow the instructions below. If you plan on going to Keeneland first: Park downtown at or near the Transit Center Garage (150 E. Vine …

Keeneland to UK Football Service 2019

Keeneland to UK Football Service 2019 Posted: 2019-10-03 On October 12th  Lextran will operate a shuttle between Keeneland and Kroger Field. We recommend those without designated parking on campus or near Kroger Field who want to go to Keeneland follow the instructions below. This shuttle service for the October 26th game is to be determined …

Lextran receives $2.3 million grant to expand electric fleet in a new direction

On Friday, August 24, U.S. Department of Transportation Secretary Elaine L. Chao announced Lextran will receive a $2.3 million grant to expand their electric fleet. “The U.S. Department of Transportation has awarded a $2.3 million grant to improve the quality of life and access to transportation for this community,” said Secretary Chao. Lextran will purchase …


Lextran Bus Operators

for Bus Operators, Diesel Mechanics, and More

Every Tuesday
10:00 AM to Noon
200 W Loudon Ave., Lexington, KY

No appointment needed!