If you leave something on the bus, please call Customer Service at (859)253-INFO (4636) between 6 a.m. and 6 p.m. Monday – Friday or Saturday between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m.
When calling, please be prepared to give a description of the item, the bus and route number, the direction the bus was traveling, and the time you lost it. Please bear in mind it’s not always possible to locate an item.
If you find an item that does not belong to you, please give it to the operator so that it may be turned in to lost and found. Lost and found items are kept for two weeks or 14 days.Â
Lextran is not responsible for lost items.
If you have lost something on the bus or on Lextran property, please complete the form below. A customer service representative will follow up with you regarding your lost item.