Rules for Riding

Riding Lextran is simple: Be courteous. Be responsible. Be safe.
Be Courteous
Seats near the front of the bus should be available for seniors and riders with disabilities – you may have to move for those who need the seat more than you. There is no smoking allowed on Lextran buses or property – including shelters – per Lexington City Ordinance Number 171-2003, Section 14-97-103. Avoid excessive noise and use headphones.
Be Responsible
Have your pass, cash, or change ready when you board for the convenience of all passengers. Exit through the rear door when possible.
Be Safe
Children must be removed from strollers. The strollers should then be folded before getting on board, then safely stowed. Do not talk to the operator while the bus is in motion. Always stay behind the yellow line. Wait for the bus to come to a complete stop before standing.
You can contribute to the safety of the service by:
- Reporting suspicious activities to a Lextran representative, the Lexington Police Department (859) 258-3600, or by calling 9-1-1 in an emergency.
- Keeping your personal items (backpacks, purses, bags, packages, etc.) with you at all times.
- Listening to instructions during an emergency.
Passengers who use a respirator, concentrator, or portable oxygen are permitted to ride all Lextran buses.Â