January 3, 2024
We want to hear from you about Lextran Wheels paratransit service!

UPDATE 1-19-2024:
Due to weather conditions, the fourth scheduled Paratransit listening session will be cancelled today, January 19th, 2024.
Please feel free to share your feedback and ideas with Lextran by emailing compliance@lextran.com or by calling 859-244-2030 weekdays between 8:00 am and 4:00 pm.
Stay safe, Lexington!
Lextran stakeholders and the community are invited to participate in upcoming public listening sessions focused on gathering valuable insights and experiences regarding Lextran Wheels paratransit service.
There will be four listening sessions hosted during the third week of January. The dates and times are listed below:
Dates and Times for Paratransit Listening Sessions
Session | Location | Address | Date | Time |
1 | Christian Towers | 1511 Versailles Rd. | Tuesday, January 16th, 2024 | 9:00 AM |
2 | Lextran Administrative Offices – Streamed Live on YouTube | 200 W Loudon Ave. | Wednesday, January 17th, 2024 | 6:00 PM |
3 | Lexington Senior Center | 195 Life Ln. | Thursday, January 18th, 2024 | 1:00 PM |
4 | Briarwood Apartments | 1349 Centre Pkwy | Friday, January 19th, 2024 | 2:00 PM |
The purpose of these meetings will be to provide a platform for stakeholders and the community to share their experiences involving the Lextran Wheels paratransit service.
After all sessions have been completed, feedback generated will be compiled and shared with the community.
If you cannot attend any of the public meetings, please feel free to share your feedback and ideas with Lextran by emailing compliance@lextran.com or by calling 859-244-2030 weekdays between 8:00 am and 4:00 pm.
If you require reasonable accommodation, please contact the Lextran Compliance Specialist via email at info@lextran.com or submit a request via the Contact Us page.
Sesiones de escucha sobre paratránsito
¡Queremos conocer su opinión sobre el servicio de paratránsito de Lextran Wheels!
Una vez finalizadas todas las sesiones, la información recopilada se compartirá con la comunidad.
¿No puede asistir pero igualmente quiere compartir sus opiniones?
Llame al: 859-244-2030 de lunes a viernes de 8 a. m. a 4 p. m. Correo electrónico: compliance@lextran.com
Sesión 1: Christian Towers – 1511 Versailles Rd.
Martes, 16 de enero a las 9 a. m.
Sesión 2: Oficina administrativa de Lextran – 200 W. Loudon Ave.
Miércoles, 17 de enero a las 6 p. m. – En vivo por YouTube
Sesión 3: Lexington Senior Center – 195 Life Ln.
Jueves, 18 de enero a la 1 p. m.
Sesión 4: Briarwood Apts. 1349 Centre Pkwy
Viernes, 19 de enero a las 2 p. m.
我们希望听到您对Lextran Wheels辅助公交服务的意见。
请致电:859-244-2030,周一到周五上午8点-下午4点 电子邮件:compliance@lextran.com
第一次倾听会议: Christian Towers – 1511 Versailles Rd.
第二次倾听会议: Lextran Admin Office – 200 W. Loudon Ave.
1月17日星期三下午6点 – 在YouTube直播
第三次倾听会议: Lexington Senior Center – 195 Life Ln.
第四次倾听会议: Briarwood Apts. 1349 Centre Pkwy