The Lextran Mission
“We serve people and our community with mobility solutions.”
The Lextran Commitment
“Safety, Service, Schedule”
At Lextran, the paramount concern is the safety of Lextran’s customers, employees, and the Lexington community. This commitment is foundational, starting with high-level, comprehensive training for new operators and mechanics and reinforced through continuous training for all staff. Lextran’s buses and facilities are equipped with security cameras that enhance safety and deter crime, supported by a collaborative relationship with the Lexington Police Department to strengthen security efforts. Safety is always the top priority.
Service to the Lexington community is central to Lextran’s mission and is approached with pride. The mobility solutions that Lextran provides facilitate daily commutes to work, school, and other activities, enhancing individual quality of life and benefiting the community at large. Serving riders is at the core of Lextran’s values.
Reliability in Lextran’s scheduling is critical. The organization is dedicated to maintaining consistent schedules that customers can trust. Lextran makes every effort to keep our community moving and on schedule, but sometimes delays are caused by accidents, weather conditions, construction, community events, and more. While timeliness is important, Lextran is committed to never compromising safety or service quality for the sake of schedule adherence.
Lextran’s Values
The Lextran Board of Directors and senior staff developed a strategic outlook in 2019 that focuses organizational efforts around three key pillars:
- Deliver a high quality product and service.
- Rider-focused improvements at stops: sidewalks, benches, shelters, garbage cans, etc.
- Improved reliability of service: on-time performance, reduce delays, etc.
- Provide more service when possible, or maintain service levels
- Demonstrate value to the community
- Understanding more about how Lextan is perceived and valued
- Amplify Lextran’s image to Lexington and the community
- Make visible improvements that everyone can appreciate
- Manage and sustain resources
- Execute policy and regulatory requirements
- Engage in day-to-day business process and improvements
- Focus on effective technology and support ‘tools’
- Look for additional resources and grants